Abstract Submission - Arts Sessions


The First Philippines Small-Scale Fisheries National Symposium (PSSFNS 1) welcomes the submission of abstracts for creative works for individual presentation in artistic sessions.

This is open to anyone interested in presenting a creative work focusing on the subject of small-scale fisheries. Artists whose works are accepted will have the chance to give a short presentation about their works during the artistic sessions of the symposium.

  • Short film: The short film should not exceed 7 minutes.
  • Photo Essay: The photo essay should contain at most 5 photographs
  • Poetry: Should not exceed 3 pages
  • Song: should not exceed 5 minutes
  • Short story: should not exceed 2000 words.
  • Presentation: During the artistic session, the artists will present a 10- minute lecture about their creative work. The presentation should contain a discussion of the intention and conceptual basis of the creative works in relation to the symposium themes. Artists should submit to the symposium organizer their presentation on or before 14 October 2024. The presentation should be saved in Microsoft PowerPoint Format (at least 2010 version) with slide numbers at the lower right corner. The Secretariat will no longer accept presentations on the day of the symposium. Once all presenters are done, there will be a question-and-answer time.

All presentations in the artistic sessions will be carefully managed by session chairs. Guidelines for the presentation will be sent to the corresponding author of the accepted abstracts.

Only accepted abstracts of symposium-registered artists will be included in the symposium’s Book of Abstracts and Souvenir Program, and allowed presentation. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31 July 2024 (*23:59, The Philippines Time, UTC+8). All abstracts will undergo a review by the committee assigned to the session under which the abstract was submitted. Notifications for accepted papers and sessions will be sent out by 15 August 2024. Authors of accepted abstracts must register for the joint symposium on or before 15 September 2024. Final abstracts are required on or before 15 September 2024 for inclusion in the symposium’s Book of Abstracts and Souvenir Program.

The creative works may relate to the following symposium themes:

  • •Theme 1: Inland and marine SSF
  • •Theme 2: SSF management and governance
  • •Theme 3: Economics of SSF
  • •Theme 4: Socio-cultural aspects of SSF
  • •Theme 5: Climate change and resilience of SSF
  • •Theme 6: Gender in SSF
  • •Theme 7: Technology and innovation in SSF

By submitting an entry to PSSFNS1 artistic sessions, the author gives consent to the organizers to publish his/her name, affiliation, entry title, and the actual presentation in the symposium and other related websites, social and mainstream media, symposium e-publication and printed materials, and other venues deemed necessary by the symposium organizer. You may download Individual Presentation Abstract template here (link of the abstract template).

    Fill in the abstract submission form below. Make sure to be ready to attach the file containing the abstract.

    * Marked fields are mandated.

    1. Your Primary Details:

    2. Abstract Submission Details: