Abstract Submission Science Guidelines
The joint conference of ICFAS 6 and AFSSRN F1 welcomes submission of abstracts for papers for individual presentation in scientific oral and poster sessions/competitions
This is open to anyone interested in presenting work done in fisheries and aquaculture related to science, arts, technology, or policy. The work can be presented in regular concurrent sessions as oral presentation or as poster presentation, or as an entry to student oral speed presentation competition or student poster presentation competition.
- Oral presentation: This type of presentation is for 12 minutes and is one in a series of papers in a 1- to- 2-hour on a particular session. Timing is crucial in this presentation. A pre-recorded 12-min presentation shall be submitted to the organizer by 15 November 2021. Once all presenters are done, there will be a question-and-answer time, where all presenters should be attending live to answer questions.
- Poster presentation: The poster of the research work will be virtually displayed in the Conference Website during the duration of the conference. Poster guidelines will be sent to the author of the accepted abstract. The digital poster must be submitted to the organizer by 15 November 2021.
- Student oral speed presentation competition: Students joining this competition must indicate “student oral speed presentation competition” as abstract category in the abstract submission form provided below and also in the abstract to be submitted. Authors of accepted abstracts for the competition shall submit a 5-minute recorded video of the presentation and the script of the oral speed presentation by 5 November 2021. The video will be made available for viewing and judging during the duration of the joint conference. Winners will be announced during the closing ceremony.
- Student poster presentation competition: Students who are willing to join this competition must indicate “student poster presentation competition” as abstract category in the abstract submission form provided below and also in the abstract to be submitted. The digital poster must be submitted to the organizer by 5 November 2021. The posters will be available for viewing and judging during the duration of the conference. Winners will be announced during the closing ceremony.
Only student researches finished during the last three school years (2018-2019, 2019-2020, and 2020-2021) qualify for the competitions. Students accepted to join the oral speed presentation and/or the poster presentation competition shall submit proof of being a student during the conduct of the research such as certificate of school registration or enrolment or certification from the adviser.
See more details on student competition here.
All presentations in concurrent sessions will be carefully managed by session chairs. Additional guidelines will be sent to the corresponding author of the accepted abstracts.
Only accepted abstracts of conference-registered authors will be included in the joint conference’s Book of Abstracts and Souvenir Program, and allowed presentation.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is on 30 August 2021. All abstracts will undergo a review by the committee assigned to the session under which the abstract was submitted. Notifications for accepted papers and sessions will be sent out by 15 September 2021. Authors of accepted abstracts must register to the joint conference on or before 30 October 2021. Final abstracts are required on or before 31 October 2021 for inclusion in the joint conference’s Book of Abstracts and Souvenir Program.
Abstracts are to be submitted under the following scientific session themes:
- Theme 1: Aquatic resources, environments, and fisheries
- Theme 2: Aquaculture
- Theme 3: Post harvest and biotechnology
- Theme 4: Economics, governance, gender, and fisheries management
- Theme 5: Socio-cultural aspects of fisheries and aquaculture
See details of themes here.
Do not hesitate to apply, even if your topic does not fit neatly into one of the session topics above.
Download Individual Presentation Abstract template here.
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